a2b3 output aabbb c program and beautiful use of getchar() ,isdigit() ,atoi() functions and stdlib.h header file-asr

a2b3 output aabbb c program

Beautiful use of getchar() ,isdigit() ,atoi() functions and stdlib.h header file

i noted
in string comparison single quote used,while in initialization double quotes

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  char s[10],n[10],c[10];
  int i=0,j,num=0;
  int p[10];
    s[i]=getchar(); //reads single characters until enter pressed
    if(isdigit(s[i]))    //checks the character is digit or not
         n[0]=s[i];  //digit assigned in array
         c[num]=s[i-1]; //previous character of digit is stored for printing
         p[num]=atoi(n); //ascii to digit ,the character is converted to int in p[num] index
         num++;         //num incremented

  if(s[i]=='\n'){             //enter press the come out of loop

  printf("%c",c[j]); //prints characters n times ,the values in p[j] array,and character in c[j] arry

else {
    printf("First Character must be a alphabet");
    return 0;


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